Our Mission


Pain Psychotherapy Canada’s mission is to help clients greatly reduce or eliminate their chronic pain or symptoms and improve their mental health by using specific psychotherapeutic approaches. We also aim to educate health care professionals and the public about the appropriate treatments for neuroplastic pain and mind-body concerns.

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What Sets Us Apart

  • Our therapists specialize in treating chronic pain and symptoms, using therapeutic approaches to help reduce or eliminate chronic pain and symptoms

  • Our therapists have access to over 30+ specialized worksheets and 60+ somatic practices and meditations that they can utilize with our clients

  • We are the largest clinic in Canada with a focus on healing chronic pain and symptoms by treating the brain and nervous system therapeutically

  • We can work with clients located in several provinces and territories across Canada


Treatment for Pain

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Studies have shown that chronic pain and symptoms such as back pain, fibromyalgia, pelvic pain, neck pain, migraines, headaches, IBS, fatigue, dizziness, and tinnitus are often not structurally caused, but occur in the brain due to learned neural pathways. At Pain Psychotherapy Canada, we specialize in treatment that helps our clients heal these brain and nervous system issues.

We utilize evidence-based therapeutic approaches, including Pain Reprocessing Therapy, Polyvagal Theory, Somatic Experiencing, and somatic and trauma focused therapies to treat chronic pain and symptoms. Our therapeutic practice is informed by the work of innovative clinicians and researchers such as Dr. John Sarno, Dr. Howard Schubiner, Alan Gordon, Nicole Sachs, Dr. Bessel van der Kolk, Dr. Gabor Maté, and Dr. Lorimer Moseley, among others.


To begin your journey out of chronic pain contact us to book your free 20 minute consultation.


 Treatment for Mental Health


At Pain Psychotherapy Canada we know when people experience chronic pain and symptoms, this often coincides with depression, anxiety, relationship concerns, or trauma symptoms. We offer clients cognitive, somatic, and behavioural approaches to improve mental health and help them live a life full of freedom, wellness, and enjoyment.

We provide several different mental health treatments including:

  • Somatic Experiencing

  • Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy

  • Exposure Therapy

  • Somatic Attachment

  • Accelerated Resolution Therapy

  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

  • Prolonged Exposure Therapy

  • Radical Exposure Tapping

  • Narrative Therapy

  • Mindfulness

  • Systemic Family Therapy

  • EMDR


To begin your healing contact us to book a free 20 minute consultation.

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Video Sessions

We provide in person sessions in Calgary, Alberta and video sessions to several provinces in Canada. Our therapists are trained in utilizing video therapy software.