At Pain Psychotherapy Canada we believe in different approaches to support our clients in healing. Equine Assisted Therapy is an alternative therapy option to the typical therapy room setting. Pain Psychotherapy Canada is excited to offer Equine Assisted Therapy as a full therapeutic approach over several sessions or as a single session model to complement work being done with another practitioner at our clinic or elsewhere.


Why Equine Assisted Therapy?

“Equine interventions…can help people understand their own nervous systems, as well as, the nervous system of a sentient being in front of them”1.

For years research has been exploring the benefits of animal assisted therapy and outcomes have proven this the be successful in areas of trauma and mental health. Often, we learn in different ways and equine interventions allows for a tactile learning experience when processing difficult emotions. When working with horses, we can start to build connection and relationship with them much faster than we might with a human being. This can be hugely beneficial when learning to heal again.


Equine Assisted Therapy, Polyvagal Theory, and Mental Health

“By watching the behaviour of horses, we can better understand our own behaviour. Horses embody polyvagal principles.”2.

Standing in a field with horses can be so simple, yet very powerful. We can learn so much by just being with, watching, and observing. Horses navigate their nervous systems very naturally and without hesitation. For nervous system regulation, they have so much to teach us. Often co-regulation is needed to interact with horses. For us to move into a ventral vagal state, they need to feel safe and connected too, and vice versa. Together we practice the principles of polyvagal theory in real time while being in the presence of horses which only makes this learning more powerful.


Equine Assisted Therapy and Chronic Pain

Here at Pain Psychotherapy Canada, we combine aspects of a mind-body approach with Equine Assisted Therapy to only enhance your experience of pain reprocessing. Areas of focus might include leaning into positive sensations, somatic practices for pain or emotions, present sensing and mindfulness, co-regulation, nervous system regulation and titration, mindful movement, and corrective exposure to movement.


What A typical Session Might Look Like

A typical session might vary depending on many things including how the horses are feeling at the time! Because of this, we need to remember to approach equine therapy sessions with a degree of flexibility including an open mind. Often though, flexibility might just be what we need to work on and embody as part of our therapeutic work together!

What to look forward to:

  • Interactions with horses behind the fence and up close
  • Being with, co-regulating, and in the presence of equine partners
  • Most sessions occur outdoors and in a nature setting
  • Grooming, petting, or leading horses
  • Therapeutic work focused on mindfulness and nervous system regulation
  • Sessions are designed depending on client comfort level around horses and safety


Single Session vs. Multiple Sessions

Sessions through Pain Psychotherapy Canada can either be multiple or single sessions depending on your goals and can also be chronic pain or mental health-focused. If you want continued Equine Therapy through Pain Psychotherapy Canada, then you would likely start with a full assessment to be followed by treatment planning and goal planning. Single sessions would complement work already being done with another practitioner or have a single session goal decided upon at the beginning of the session. There is no right or wrong way to do this and figuring out whether you are interested in one, two, or many equine therapy sessions is understandable as you go.


Book a Session

Equine Therapy sessions with Pain Psychotherapy Canada are delivered through a registered social worker, Anne Hampson (MSW), and sessions may qualify for coverage with the appropriate benefit plans.

Practical and Next Steps:

  • Reach out directly to Anne Hampson:
  • Decide if you are interested in single or multi-session therapy
  • Book a free virtual consultation with Anne to discuss the equine therapy process, and practical next steps including where therapy will take place, what to expect, and to ensure Equine Assisted Therapy is the right fit for you and your needs
  • Following the consultation, Anne will book you in for your first Equine Therapy session!

  1. Polyvagal Institute. (2023, November). Introduction to Equine-Assisted Interventions using polyvagal principles [video]. Introduction to Equine Assisted Therapy Using Polyvagal Principles.

  2. Polyvagal Institute. (2023, November). Introduction to horse behaviour and their meanings [video]. Introduction to Equine Assisted Therapy Using Polyvagal Principles.