Polyvagal Theory is the science of our autonomic nervous system, and how we can support cultivating safety and connection within it1,2. Qigong is a practice of cultivating our body’s energy through breath, movement, attention, and sound, and then using this energy to heal and strengthen all the systems within our body3. This energy can be thought of as the energy within our nervous system.

Polyvagal Informed Qigong incorporates polyvagal theory and qigong practices together. It brings together the science of our nervous system with the ancient wisdom of Qigong.

Qigong has been shown to have these potential benefits:

  • Calms the autonomic nervous system and activates the ventral vagal pathway4
  • Lowers anxious and depressive symptoms5
  • Reduces trauma symptoms6
  • Reduces fibromyalgia symptoms and chronic lower back pain5
  • Reduces fatigue5
  • Reduces tinnitus symptoms5

Our Qigong group is available worldwide. The group is specifically designed to support you in gaining the above benefits. It can also support you in understanding your nervous system through Qigong practice and cultivating the healing mechanisms within by utilizing breath, movement, and attention. During this group, you will also learn how to release stored emotions and survival energy from the body.

Group includes:

  • 5 polyvagal informed Qigong virtual group sessions (held over zoom)
    • Each group is approximately 90 minutes in length
    • Each group includes 30-40 minutes of polyvagal education and a 35–45-minute Qigong routine
  • Links to Qigong routine video recordings are provided after each group. Throughout the group you will be provided with:
    • 4 Qigong Routine Videos 35-40 minutes in length
    • 7 Qigong Routine Videos 10-20 minutes in length


  • Tuesday September 10th at 1:30pm MDT
  • Tuesday September 17th at 1:30pm MDT
  • Tuesday October 1st at 1:30pm MDT
  • Tuesday October 8th at 1:30pm MDT
  • Tuesday October 15th at 1:30pm MDT


The cost is $50 + tax per single group session. $250 + tax for all 5 group sessions. Each payment must be made two days before the start of each group session.

*Please note private insurance does not typically cover Qigong groups, and you need to check with your insurer regarding coverage.

To join this group, fill out the contact form on our Contact Us page.

  1. Dana, D. (2018). The polyvagal theory in therapy: Engaging the rhythm of regulation. W W Norton & Co.

  2. Porges, S. W. (2019) Clinical Applications of the Polyvagal Theory.

  3. Argento, M. (2023). Medical Qigong level 1 Certification Workshop.

  4. Barili, A. & Porges, S. W. (2023). Embodying Safety: A Certificate for Integrating Yoga, Qigong & Polyvagal Theory.

  5. Toneti, B. F., Barbosa, R. F. M., Mano, L. Y., Sawada, L. O., Oliveira, I. G., & Sawada, N. O. (2020). Benefits of Qigong as an integrative and complementary practice for health: a systematic review. Revista latino-americana de enfermagem28, e3317. https://doi.org/10.1590/1518-8345.3718.3317

  6. Niles, Barbara & Reid, Kieran & Whitworth, James & Alligood, Elaine & Williston, Sarah & Grossman, Daniel & McQuade, Maria & Mori, Deanna. (2022). Tai Chi and Qigong for Trauma Exposed Populations: A Systematic Review. Mental Health and Physical Activity. 10.1016/j.mhpa.2022.100449.